Sphero Indi Intro

Materials Required: Sphero Indi kits

Hook Questions: What makes something a robot?


Step 1(5 minutes): IF TV AVAILABLE Show students examples of robots and ask them what robots exist in their lives. Put on SciShow for Kids “Real-Life Robots”


Step 2 (15 minutes): Hand students Design a Robot Worksheet. Have them draw and design their own robots, encouraging them to think about how it interacts with the world and what it does.


Step 3 (25 minutes): Introduce students to the Sphero Indi robot. What do we noticed visually about the robots? We see wheels, lights, it makes sound, and it has a color sensor on itss belly!

Give students the color squares and ask students to try out putting indi on the different color squares (on the floor) - what happens? Ask them to figure out what every color does (~20 mins). We recommend starting with green, red, yellow, pink and blue (leave the 45 degree angles and purple celebration mats for after the majority of the group has figured out the initial mats).

Students can fill out the Sphero Color quiz to document their findings.


Step 4 (10 minutes): Regroup and talk about what each color does. Questions to ask:

Extension: Create a maze/race track using all the colors you just learned about. Get creative! Can you make a track using only ONE of each color?*